Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Led by the Spirit

I am really experiencing some freedoms lately at work, in my marriage, and in my life.  It seems like I am allowing God's words to come alive and I am relying on them more and more.  Recently the Lord posed a question to me that I couldn't answer right away; "Are you ready to trust me with everything yet." 

I remember being reluctant to answer yes because I was fearful of what he would allow into my life. Why was I afraid of my God? My God rescued me from my own life of sin when I was in my early twenties. He has done nothing but good in my life since then.  He brought me a man that is a strong leader because I desired to be led spiritually, he has always provided for my son and I financially as a single mom for almost a decade, and he has certainly spoke to me many times and taken me through many experiences that would teach me to trust him.

I finally answered yes, that I will trust him with everything. A few weeks later something has come into my life that will now change my new family forever.  And God in his sovereignty already prepared my heart by asking if I was ready to trust him with everything. I am almost laughing at my words I spoke to a friend in 2005 "I want an adventure, I don't want to be a single mom in an apartment for the rest of my life." 

Well my adventure has begun and my new husband is the perfect partner for it. We both share a similar conviction for the kingdom of God instead of letting our American Dream desires crowd out spiritual things.  And every year it twists and turns. God has never allowed any kind of complacency in my walk with him, whether it be financial or spiritual.  He is always growing me and challenging me. I need to know this is because he loves me and I am ready to trust him with every area of my life. I am willing to choose what will glorify him instead comfort my flesh. 

Fear? What is that? 

I will take my fears and anxieties and dissipate them in prayer! Oh how it really works! My whole day can loom with giant sized problems yet I can walk that day without fear because my God has plans for me and will work all things out according to his will for me. Even evil things. 

Thank you Jesus. You are worth more than any comfort this life has to offer. 

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