Monday, May 28, 2012

Mormons are not Christians

The Angel Moroni giving Joseph Smith new revelations in the early 1800's, but in Galatians 1:8 it states that if any angel preaches another gospel "let him be cursed."

Since living in Utah I have been confronted with people, situations, and doctrine that would question my faith.  I have come to a few conclusions.  ANY twisting of scripture is from hell itself and takes authority away from Jesus being the only way to God.

I have been heavily thinking about the danger of Mormonism in particular.  These people have made a whole culture out of their religion.  I was reading on and was overwhelmed.  This religion has so many rules and regulations put on them in order to be considered righteous. They even tell them what underwear to wear, and how to wear it.

I know 100% that Mormonism, Catholicism, Islam etc... are from the very pit of hell. Jesus said, "I am the way the truth and the life. No man comes to the father (God) but through me." John 14:6. Each of these religions base salvation on Jesus...and our works.  But the Bible clearly tells us salvation is a free gift so no man can boast about their works. (Ephesians 2:9) Making Jesus the Lord of my life has caused me to do good works because I love him. But my works don't save me, my faith that Christ covers my sin does.

We need to examine everything the LDS church is teaching. Let's take baptizing for the dead. They use a living "proxy" person to baptize a person who has already died and not yet been baptized. When we look at the account of Jesus on the cross in Luke 23, Jesus clearly tells the man, "Today you will be with me in paradise."  Baptism for the dead is another belief of the Mormon church that is unbiblical.  The Bible doesn't teach that you must be baptized to be saved from your sins. Being baptized should be done, yet it is a profession of faith but does not grant you salvation nor secure you a better place in the afterlife.

What about being married for eternity? The Mormon church says "we are driven by our doctrine that teaches that marriage and families can continue beyond this life."  But the Bible clearly teaches in Mark 12:25 "When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven."

This is not about hating LDS people or making fun of them. This is about Satan and his twisting of scripture to keep people from salvation by focusing on their works. Why would Mormons even follow the Bible (too) if their book contradicts it in many foundational ways? It is because Satan has concocted Mormonism! He wants "just enough truth" mixed with his lie so he can hook more people. Satan will cause people to say "Mormons are Christian, they believe in Jesus." Mormons are not Christians! Mormonism is belief in a false Jesus and a false God.

Other troubling Mormon beliefs:

Those who choose not to follow our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will receive a reward according to what they have done in this life, but they will not enjoy the glory of living in the presence of God.

8. We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.

Pray for Mormons and speak the truth in love to them. It is then God's job to help them see truth.  Pray they they will want to see truth because many times they have to go against their whole families in order to leave the LDS cult.

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